There is always darkness. There will always be light. Some don't see it. Others can. I know now that my actions, all of them, will lead me to a destiny that no man can see. This is my path, this is what fate has decided for me. I will fulfill my destiny and I will continue on the path which was made. But I know that I must stay on the path, that I can not venture to another for it could suit me ill. But something's are worth seeking. This is my light. Years after the attack on New York, Thor has started his life over again. He's cleaned up Loki's mess and will be crowned king before the new year. But along the way, during those years, Thor has found a missing part of his heart. The half that all seek. His love. Jane Foster and Thor wed and within their first year of marriage they have a child. A daughter, born with the spirit of her father and the wisdom of her mother. All appears to be well, but when a stranger roams in through the gates of Asgard, claiming to be of noble birth, things begin to twist and spiral to darkness.