"Well then, judging from the fact that there isn't a Flash in your world, but instead a TV show, and that you came through a breach, and about a million other things, I'd say that you're on the wrong Earth."
Sydney Cage has always had a plan for her life: do well in school, get into a great university, get an amazing job, maybe even start a family. But her life-long plan goes out the window when she wakes up in her favourite TV show - The Flash. With the help of her new friends in S.T.A.R. Labs, Sydney tries to figure out how she got there and how to get home, but first she must ask herself; does she really want to leave?
Barry and Caitlin were just friends, at least that's what it seemed, but the truth is that the two of them looked at each other for some time, and usually when it was just the two of them, it created a mood...
Caitlin didn't know what was going on between the two which made her more confused.
However, when a girl leaves the Acceleration Force injured and saying she is from the future, she may discover that the future is nothing to her imagination.
(Ps this story is mine... I don't accept Plagio)
(Reviewed by @smilesxcarson)