" Humans, who have taken all our mother earth has offered to her children and have taken it and considered it to be worthless, who have torn up our mothers soft green skin and raped her bare lands; Taking her very blood to give life to the machines that will continue to destroy and pollute her sacred body. Humans, who have deluded themselves into thinking that they are gods, believing they have the right to choose who it is that lives and who it is that dies. The right to kill another creature, acting purely on the selfish desires and the craving of dominance. " She paused, her features resembling that of a porcelain doll, eternally immobilized. " Humanity is cruel, unforgiving and shows no such mercy to those who be young and defenseless. " ~~~ A legendary kingdom that has no evidence of ever existing and a silver-haired vampire who will stop at nothing to find it. A princess who, through her suffering, has become a slave to her own thoughts and seeks nothing but freedom. A demon with the face of man who plots to destroy the entirety of reality as we know it. There are no such things as happy endings.Toate drepturile rezervate
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