(UPDATE 28/3/24: I started writing this years ago now and kind of want to give it another go, I'm going to change a few bits in part one and I almost finished part two years ago, so I'll give that a look over too and post that soon) (UPDATE 11/6/24: Or maybe not... I've lost all motivation for this and don't actually know where I really want this to go. I've got other ideas I want to try though so hopefully they'll get me back into the swing of things!) When Remus, Peter, Sirius and James find a mysterious door hidden in the forbidden forest that's hiding a dangerous secret, they can't help but be curious. A new student has also started Hogwarts, going into her 6th year with the infamous Marauders, who appears to be hiding some dark secrets... they have more than one thing to be intrigued about. [Marauders Era] [Remus X Reader] [© Copyright 2017 fictionwillneverdie] *Disclaimer: I do not support JK Rowlings beliefs and opinions on the LGBTQ+ community*All Rights Reserved