"Hallie! Hallie, wake up!" My mom screamed in my ear. I groaned as I sat up in my bed. I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it read 7:12. I thought nothing of it until I snapped out of my trance and I realized it was Monday. "OMG!" I screamed and shot up out Of my bed like a poptart. I grabbed the first outfit I saw in my closet and sprinted into the bathroom. I quickly put in my contacts and brushed my teeth. At this point I didn't care what my hair looked like. I just put it into a quick messy bun. I ran down stairs grabbing some chocolate chip poptarts my mom had put out for me. I slid out the door just as my mom yelled "happy 17th birthday!" "What did she say?" I asked as I hoped into my car. "She said something about a 17th birthday?" As I went into deeper thought I realized "oh my gosh today is my 17th birthday!" I totally forgot. I pulled into the school just as the tardy bell rang and said sarcastically "wow what a wonderful way to start off my 17th birthday."Tous Droits Réservés