They say that when you love a person while you're young, your feelings will disappear with the passage of time. You will forget it when you meet someone new in your life or when you grew older. But, for Ella, everything she feels for Bryan since they were six and nine years old are unforgettable and real, it's not just a crush or a puppy love.. It's Love, her first, great and last love. Thirteen years have passed, many people have came into her life but even for a moment she never forget him; her love for him. During that time, Ella tried everything to find Bryan and unveil the truth about his mysterious disappearance however when she was so near in finding him, a lot have happened. She accidentally got pregnant by a guy whom she just met in a party and she can't remember its face! A guy she didn't know! Just a stranger. Was that guy always been stranger to her or not? KISMET SERIES 1 Originally written by Avivaria Orginal time it was published in WP : 2016-2017 Rewritten : April 2020 - October 10, 2022