We were all nodding. Then, Candice spoke up. “So.. This is it, right? The real thing? This is war, right?”
I squinted my eyes. It was weird to hear it like that. A war.. But it is. This is the final war. The war where the world as we know it either survives, or doesn’t. Simple as that. I didn’t really mind if this world ceased to exist, I wasn’t from here anyway. A lot of people weren’t. We could simply go back down under, and we’re fine. Yeah, the whole human population will be wiped out along with it, but that wasn’t top priority for me right now.
This war, for me, was about whether or not Tana lives or not. Which, she will. I’d die before she does. I see this as a mission to save the one I love, and the bonus that comes along with it, is the world is saved as well.
Michael’s ‘Thriller’ ringtone goes off again, and I look up. “Phone call” Michael mouths to us, and answers it.
I watch his expression turn grim and serious. “Sure. We’re on our way.”
I literally nearly jump out of my seat. This has to be the call, right?!
He ends the call, then turns to me.
“The flame’s turned red. It’s time.”
This is only a small part of the coolest most gangsterest story you'll ever read.. No, it's not the best, but I take my writing very seriously, so there.
This story's bound to make you sad, happy, laugh, cringe, and will keep you reading, I promise. Yes, it's about witches, and yes, that's kind of sucky and all, but there is romance, and everyone likes a little romantic something something.. ;) But I keep the story very balanced, in all areas.
Just read, and enjoy hopefully c;
When a high school student named Davina Smith faces her senior year after a tragedy in her family, suddenly finds herself appealed to the new kids in town.
She never had an interest in befriending anyone besides her childhood friends Emma and Jackson, But these kids had something about them that just made them stick out. Maybe it wasint such a bad idea to expand her social life. What could go wrong? Right..?
Davina Smith, a 17 year old with trauma of losing those close to her from past experiences and losses, is soon appealed to the new kids in town. Or more like appealed to the attractive black haired, green eyed boy. She's never been the one to want to have a relationship. Is now the time?
Xavier Witts, a 18 year old boy hiding a nothing more than a couple lies... or so he says.
Xavier never wanted to get attached to someone he could lose. He never to wanted to go through that again.
But what happens when suddenly that person fights against his measures of protection?
What happens when that person is willing to risk their life just to be with him?
Luckily he would do the same
"I don't know what to do Xavier..." I cry uncontrollably into his chest as he holds onto me for dear life. "I know love. I know."
"I'm such a bother to yall." I choke out. "I'm so fucking weak. I can't even defend myself." Xavier's arms unwrap from my body, and his hands hold my teary face. "I'm a worthless h-human." Xavier furrows his eyebrows in pain. A tear of his own falling down his face.
"No," he says shaking his head. "No. You've never been a bother to me. You aren't weak. And you most certainly aren't worthless." I gasp to breathe, and he continues talking. "What you are is an amazing person who hasn't let all of this crazy bullshit affect her. You handled it like a champ. What you are is a strong, brave being that has stood by my side." I breathe as he leans closer.
"What you are, is the love of my life...."