My name is Gerard Way and I have a gift. I can look into your eyes and see your soul. My name is Frank Iero and I am suicidal. You can look into my eyes and see I have no hope or happiness. My name is Micheal Way and I have anxiety to the max. You can look into my eyes and see just how scared I am of everything. My name is Pete Wentz and I have schizophrenia. You can look into my eyes and see how unfocused and twitchy I am. My name is Ryan Ross and I have ADHD. You can look into my eyes and see how jumpy and hyper I am for no reason. My name is Brendon Urie and I have MPD. You can look into my eyes and not know if you are talking to Brendon, Kellin, or Vic. My name is Tyler Joseph and I am depressed You can look into my eyes and see nothing but pain. My name is Josh Dun and I have an IQ higher than Einsteins. You can look into my eyes and see how lost in my head I am and how I don't understand feelings or emotions.All Rights Reserved