// SEQUEL TO INSANITY \\ Following the nightmare of her kidnapping and the tragedy that was her love's death, Stephanie Harlem is desperately trying to pick up the pieces of her life and her heart. Alone and lost without Jerome, she struggles to return to the real world despite the darkness threatening to swallow her forever. After being haunted by her former boyfriend, Steph, desperate to avenge Jerome finds herself on trapped in a whole new prison: Arkham Asylum. Under the alias of Sarah Quinnton, Steph is now more alone than ever, struggling to determine what exactly is going on in the dreary asylum without the help of her friends. Only Steph is motivated to not only take down Dr. Strange, she's also determined to be reunited with a certain formerly deceased Jerome Valeska. **A Jerome Valeska - Gotham Fanfiction**All Rights Reserved