one day there was a couple that didn't know about each other, But love at first site took over and now there trapped will they be able to stay together are part away from each other forever.
What do you do when you start getting feelings for one of your best friends. Is he actually going to understand what you mean when you tell him. And what if he isn't honest when it comes to the fact that he's single.
Jess is a twenty-two year old South African youtuber. One day does she decide to move over seas to London and her best friend Caspar Lee.
But things start to change between the two of them and when Jess meet Conor Maynard is it easy to say that she's finally found a person that understand her.
When things suddenly start
going bad between the two best friends is Joe by Jess's side and help her through the ups and downs.
When Joe, Caspar and Jack travel to
America and leave Jess and Conor behind do feelings between the two of them show up. The problem is that no-one knows what they're up to. And is Conor the only one that have got feelings for Jess?