After the extraordinary events of the previous year, Rose Weasley is traveling for her second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with her best friends, Albus Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, and Maddox Everard. However, two of her friends split from the group to investigate mysterious happenings involving the lake and the beasts within. What started as an accidental discovery leads to a severe secret, the breaking of rules, wizarding law, and embarkment further than Hogwarts students have ever dared go. Max is trusted with the secret, but Rose is confused to find herself left in the dirt while knowing there to be a secret floating amongst her friends. What are they hiding? How serious can this be? Why do they not trust her? And what is Sugamina? Unlike The Unfortunate Son of a Lunatic, year one, this book switches from different POVs to cover more ground. Tell me what you think of this Harry Potter Next Generation Fanfic!
31 parts