After the devastating loss of her beloved mother, Natalia Ackerman and her brother, Antonio, are forced to move to America to live with their wealthy aunt and uncle. While moving into her now home, however, Natalia takes a tumble down the stairs, but doesn't reach the bottom before someone catches her. Eighteen-year-old, self-proclaimed bad-boy and musician Shawn Mendes just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or, for Natalia, the right place at the right time. After potentially saving her life and generously paying for her hospital bill, Shawn just wants to move on and forget about the incident with Natalia. But he can't. Even though Natalia can't speak English well, he's already caught feelings for the quiet new girl. Natalia isn't the most popular girl at her new school, due to her language barrier, but will Shawn be willing to risk his "bad-boy" reputation for the sweet new girl?All Rights Reserved
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