It hadn't been that long, not that days were counted, hours numbered and minutes ticked slowly off by the hands of time then, but even so, it hadn't been long since the beginning, since the world had been born...since they had been born. It hadn't been long since God had lead them around there new home, since Eve had seen all the animals God had created and Adam had named. Truly in Gods eyes it might of seemed only like mer seconds, for a gods definition of time is so different from ours, before Eves curiosity got the better of her....Before human nature got the better of her.
Eve felt in some way she was different from Adam, not just in form, but in spirit. Where as Adam was more laid back, he had his routine, Eve wanted to explore, to know more. There was this longing in her, she didn't know what for. Each day she went searching for it, traveling amongst the trees and through the orchards, traipsing across the meadows. Each day she passed the forbidden tree, each day an inch closer, always wondering what made it so different from the rest? Was it different from the rest of the trees, like they were different from the animals? Some how more special... unique. It made her curious. Was it wrong to be?...after all when had curiosity ever hurt any one?