Hello my fellow readers and writers, and welcome to my first poetry book. These poems will really have anything to do with each other and do not concentrate on a single event entirely, these are just some of my original poems which I write whenever I am bored. Please note that in this book I will be using my stage name, SD Frozbite, when I'm refering to myself as a poet. And people from all walks of life are welcome to write and compose their own poems for this book. I enjoy poetry, so I find this to be a good way to get my readers involve in poetry and writing in general, which makes sense since poet is way of expressing yourself in a creative way, and I'd love to those ideas. Also I want to give all my readers the option of selecting certain stuff to write about for my poems. So in short, you could either pick a topic, which I will gladly write a poem or haiku about, depending on what the subject is, or you could write and post your own poetry to be featured within the book, so that others can read and enjoy it as well as me. So, with that, please enjoy, and don't forget to comment. I'd love to hear opinions on my works. Remember, "Constructive Criticism is Always Welcome Here". Have fun and happy reading.