Realistic fiction, a partly true story of how everything is or has been going lately.
Maybe some self harm trigger warnings, so be careful.
So here I am, Davina Willow Prati.
I've always wondered when (if ever) I'll settle somewhere, with someone, and not get bored of the area or the person.
I love compasses, and I'm in love with words that have to do with travel or wandering.
I have a very poetic mind, and it seems to constantly be running.
A lot of people think I'm "perfect".
Well newsflash? I'm not.
I've got pretty severe mental disorders, and I find breathing kind of hard to do lately because of how much I panic.
Anything can set me off, I've found lately, and it's embarrassing; not to mention frustrating.
Sorry for babbling, but this book is basically about my mental disorders and how I deal and how the people I come in contact with on a daily basis deal with me.
Warning: you might cry.