A Warrior Cats Fan fiction book, inspired by the real series.
"Darkness lies ahead a era of destruction and death, the Night's whisper, The Midnight's pelt, The Feather's Wings and The Light's silence will lead their warriors to your only hope" the prophecy spoke clear that gifted cats could save all the Clans from darkness
Some backstory:
The Four Clans have been formed in the forest by the most powerful cats, MOORSTAR,MOONSTAR,LAKESTAR known at that time as, Fluffy, Prince and Seashell, the kittypet brothers who curiously went in the woods to form the STONECLAN a powerful Clan so they could rule the forest. Rouges, Kittypets and Loners interested entered the Clan and formed the ranks; MOONSTAR was leader, MOORFOOT was deputy and LAKERIPPLE was medicine cat. One day a WINTERSTAR joined the clan at that time was known as a loner called WINTERPUDDLE a White pelted she-cat. Moonstar, Moorfoot, Lakerippel all fell in love with the strong,smart and different she-cat. The brothers soon started fighting and went their separate ways... MOONSTAR CREATED MOONCLAN, MOORSTAR CREATED MOORCLAN AND LAKESTAR CREATED LAKECLAN. Winterpuddel seeing the disaster took control of Stoneclan changing its name too WINTERCLAN and becoming WINTERSTAR. She saved the cats from hunger and fear and took care of her own territory. The other clans did the same but without warriors they contracted new ones and beginning their new clans.
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
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