~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "When are you gonna open your eyes and see that I love you!?" I said. He looked at me wide eyed, "Yo-you love me?" "Yes I love you dammit! But your to fucking blind to see that." I yelled in his face. He looked down backing away from me, "We can't be more than friends Paris and you know it." "Right! Because of Megan. Now I see, but was she the one by your side when you was in the hospital or when you-" "SHE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS PARIS!" He yelled in my face. "WELL WHY DON'T YOU LOVE DWIGHT!? I'VE ALWAYS BEEN THERE AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THAT IM LOSING MY FUCKING MIND! I CAN'T THINK WHEN YOU'RE AROUND BUT IM SO CLOSE TO LOSING IT DWIGHT!!" "WELL..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~All Rights Reserved