Millie is 18 yrs. old and finishing her last year in high school.
She has lots of friends and she is really pretty. She is the kind of chick that girls want to be and guys want to be with. Her life seems perfect...
But there's a dark secret, that she kept to herself.
Her parents are abusive. Very, very abusive. They would leave her with broken bones and bleeding. Every day, since she was 12 she would get beat and have to deal with the constant put downs from her parents that she is a failure, a mistake, a bitch, a slut, etc. So, Millie resorted to drinking, going to parties, doing drugs and getting in trouble with the police quite a lot. To her it's just a way to get away and relax, even if it's just for a few hours. To her friends and a lot of people, she's just a cool chick, wanting to have fun while she's young.
But she hides all the marks with make-up before she leaves for school. She didn't want anyone to question, didn't want anyone to know...
One day the beating too much. She hides in her room and decides to call the one person she knew she could trust, the only person that knew her secret. Niall Horan. Niall and Millie have been best friends since pre-school, but when Niall became a part of One Direction they were barely able to talk. But, she knew she had to call him.
What Niall doesn't know is that Millie got addicted to drugs (mainly weed, sometimes cocaine) and drinking (vodka, tequila and other hard liquors) just after he left.
What will happen when she calls him up one day a little drunk and crying?
Of course he'll help her right? of course.
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