16 parts Ongoing Rivalry
In this captivating tale set in Japan, we follow Akihiko, a 47-year-old accomplished astronomer and physicist, who finds himself thrust back into the past after a tragic accident alters the course of his life. Transported to his university days, he is given a second chance to confront his long-buried regrets and reclaim the love he lost to the rivalry that once defined him.
As Akihiko navigates the complexities of youth, he must rekindle his relationship with Sayuri, a brilliant and beautiful physics student who was once his fierce competitor. Unbeknownst to her, Akihiko has carried feelings for her long before he was willing to admit it, and he is determined to change the narrative of their intertwined fates.
However, the time loop also introduces Kenji, Akihiko's former friend whose presence complicates the dynamics of their relationship. Caught in a love triangle that spans generations, Akihiko wrestles with the burden of his past decisions, striving to make amends while rekindling the flames of romance and friendship.
As he seeks to rewrite his story, Akihiko must confront his youthful insecurities, explore the true nature of love and rivalry, and ultimately determine if redemption is truly within his reach. With rich character development and themes of regret, forgiveness, and the complexity of relationships, "Rivalry" invites readers on an emotional journey through time, where every choice shapes the future.