One night, on August 11, 2002, a little boy named Dillon Kole was born, but what he never knew, was on the same day, a little girl was born named Lindsey Kole, twins, but separated at birth. Their mother's name is Hanna Arianna Kole, they had a father, but they are only 16 year olds, and the father, Champion James Miles, didn't want to be their father and claims he was too young to be a father.
Lindsey was sent to the household of "the Stinemans'" She lived her life on the edge, at her school she was put in the. Now don't get her wrong, she is a good person as well, she has a straight A+ report card, two jobs, and also is a teacher's assistant. She loves running, swimming, singing, dance, and organizing events. She writes in a diary, and also has an ex-boyfriend.
Dillon was sent to "the Raelynns'" household. Dillon lived a pretty normal life, he lived in state of Ontario, Canada. He lived by the name of Dillon Coyote Raelynn, he never knew he was adopted. He had 1 sister, Hailee, in the house and 1 older brother, Garrett. Everyday was just another day: wake up at 5:30, feed the cows, feed the chickens, help his older sister, that was only 1 year older than him, with the horses, eat breakfast, wash the dishes, get ready, and rides his bike to Studio 91, the school they go to. "Everyday is unknown, but once it ends, you realize, everything may end up completely backwards the next day." Dillon lived by that quote, his "grandpa" always told him that on a bad day
Living in different homes, changing their last names, never knowing their
real parents, identities, or that they're family! But, in the chilly month of October, in
the year of 2016, will that all change? Lindsey is being transferred to the same
school as Dillon, that change in school might just be a change in these 14 year olds'
relationship. Every student said they look so much alike, almost twin alike!