These are just collections MY thoughts and feelings. I might write poems or I might rant. I don't how I am going to feel every day. I could be happy in one chapter but then completely berzerk the next. I know that my opinions might make some people irate, but that's okay. If you get to this point in which you feel that you head is going to explode with anger, please continue with the following steps;
1. Don't add this book to your library (it might make you mad every time you see it)
2. Simply stop reading where ever you are and click off of this book
3. And last but not least, calm yourself down in whatever way works for you (the last thing I want is to ruin someone's day)
In no way am I trying to be mean or hurtful to anyone through my writing, I simply just want to get my thoughts written down because otherwise I get overwhelmed. Thank you for reading!