Newly recruited Special Forces operative, Jake Porter, finds himself entwined within the world of murder, conspiracy, dark secrets and terrorism when he is sent to the United States to put a stop to a band of terrorists.
A faction hacking into the most elaborate systems in the world gain vast amounts of cash, top secret information and sensitive materials; it isn’t until the daunting intelligence is posted on the internet that the government declare they must be stopped.
The shadowed Special Forces unit, Mantis Corporation, send in their new blood soldier to find and kill three targets closely linked to the terrorist circle. Things are not as simple as they seem.
When cast into a foreign country without support, Porter has to fight his personal battles with traumatisation, old friends, new enemies, love interests and the truth.
On his debut mission, his world is crushed by a simple mistake and he will have to find trust in an unlikely partner in order to survive. He is Jake’s only hope of completing the mission and stopping the dark secret from reaching the wrong hands.
With the terrorist ring of evil stacking up heavily against him and the clock ticking, every second counts.
I’m new, and I’ve probably published the story wrong or something, but it’s there, I hope it’s not too lame. Be a fan, be a friend, and be a critic thanks