Shiro Kurumi. 23, fresh out of university and on her way to her new job at Troubleshoot Studios. What is Troubleshoot Studios you ask? Only the best filming company in the entire anime world. And the CEO, Grace Cherrywood, has just had an idea for a new show. She wants to get in matchmaking experts Walker Yumasaki, Erika Karisawa and Caterina Tyndale to setup some people. But there's a catch. The first time they meet is at their wedding reception. Yes after the ceremony. How will Shiro deal with working on this massive project? And anyone of the studio workers could be thrown into a wedding at any time. But in the end this is just another day at Troubleshoot Studios. A/N: The cover was made by @worldpeace24 Hey All, just gonna let you know of a few characters. It's very simple. Myself as Shiro Kurumi @worldpeace24 as Grace Cherrywood @XxpossumdragonxX as Caterina Tyndale No the authors listed do not know that the characters in this book are based off them. Shhh! It's a surprise!