Hello there, I am Jane Hailey Shapiro, 18, female. I live in a tiny town here in Seattle.
That’s all that’s important right now.
So here goes my story.
I was around the age of 9 when it happened.
I survived a car crash but of course it has to leave a scar.
My face was burnt. Half of it anyway. My father didn’t survive as you have guessed.
I was traumatized. Too scared to come out of my room.
You can say I lived under a rock.
But luckily we were wealthy enough for me to have a home tutor after I had my surgery.
I forgot to tell you that I have a twin sister named Jade.
She wasn’t in the car crash though. Throughout her entire school life, he was Miss ‘PAWPYOOLURR’ as I like to call it.
We were the exact opposite, like you guessed.
She comes home with either a smile or a frown. She tells me what happens and I just listen.
Sometimes I want to come out of my room and do all the things she has done but when I'm about to step out I climb back in again.
I’m a coward I get it.
That’s how it went for the past 8 years.
That was until my sister went to New York recently for her college, but once she comes back she reatreats to the Hospital because of Heart Cancer. The worst part is that she never told me.
Her life was majestic and I wish I could have had it.
Wishes come true.
Wishes you wished you never wished.
You know what I’m sayin’??
I earned her life because of her wish.
And now I step out of my safer zone to become,
Jade Heather Shapiro.
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