What if Alex's chaos-stealing magic had actually hit it's mark? What if, instead of Aaron dying, Call, the intended target, had fallen instead? Short one-shot drabble. Super angsty and kinda sad depending on if I wrote it well enough or not but I wanted really wanted to. DANG. I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE SILVER MASK!!!♥♥♥ AARON BETTER FRIGGIN' COME BACK TO LIFE IN A GOOD WAY OR ELSE. If you're coming from one of my other stories... ;A; I'm sooooorrrrryyyyyyyyyy. I've been trying to write them but they all turn out total crap (even more than usual), and unfit for publishing. I think I've lost my fire for them. You might have to wait until Season 2's. I'd just like to put this out there for those of you who stumbled upon this and haven't read it (don't read this fanfic), but I've seen a lot of people saying that it's far too similar to Harry Potter and that's why they hate it. I'm telling ya to please keep an open mind. Yes, it's starts off as something that seems very similar- But then again, everything with teenage wizards is seen as a Harry Potter ripoff- But as you get deeper into the story and the characters, you will see that as many similarities as it has, it is also very different. Voldemort wanted to become powerful and immortal. Constantine wanted his little brother back. These are two different things. That's all.All Rights Reserved