Term used to indicate the behavior of people who had experienced overwhelming emotion that threatened to attack their sense of integrity and identity. Such individuals, unable to repress the ideas linked to emotional pain and equally unable to project these feelings delusively onto representations of other people, simply ejected them from consciousness by "pulverizing all trace of feeling, so that an experience which has caused emotional flooding is not recognized as such and therefore cannot be contemplated". They were not suffering from an inability to experience or express emotion, but from "an inability to contain and reflect over an excess of affective experience."
'Disaffectation' conveys a deliberate double meaning. The Latin prefix dis-, indicates separation or loss and suggests, metaphorically, that certain people are psychologically separated from their emotions and may have "lost" the capacity to be in touch with interior psychic reality. Also included in this prefix is the secondary meaning from the Greek dys- with its implication of illness.
…..sometimes, just meeting an important person can completely change the behavior of the person affected by this symptom.
- Not completed-Do you ever just sit in your room at night and think about everything? Why you were born, what’s the point of living? Are you even needed in this cruel world? Do you ever just think, would anyone even miss me if I’m gone? These thoughts run through my mind pretty much every night. I lie in bed, staring at my ceiling with tears rolling down my cheeks. Normally along with several fresh marks embedded into my stomach and skin. Nobody would ever know though, why would they? It’s not like my family are remotely interested in me or anybody for that manner. Well, I use the term ‘family’ extremely loosely. My ‘family’ basically consists of me living with my uncle who doesn’t even register that I’m living in the same house as him. He basically uses me for the benefits so he can buy more cigarettes and spent more money on prostitutes. I use the term ‘house’ loosely also, I wouldn’t call it a house. I would call it a two bedroomed shack on the rough side of town