Hi! Let me introduce myself. I'm Terra Williams, I'm 17 and have been in and out of mental hospital since I was 13. I've recently let out on "good behavior" or in Mr. Ode's words, he's the owner of my most recent asylum, "Even Satan goes up to Earth to torture a few souls and give the ones in hell a break every now and again." But because the only delinquent correctional boarding school that wasn't too sexist or mental-healthist or something is an all boys school, guess I'll be the only girl. Whoop! They haven't done that bad of crimes, unfortunately, so it'll probably be boring. Just kidding! I can spice up a funeral! I do, (obviously) have an ulterior motive going on behind the scenes try and figure it out, I fucking dare you. Join me on my journey through this new Narnia called normal, just fucking with you! Enter my sociopathic mind for a bit and see how "demented, sick, twisted, monsters" live.