Hey ! I'm back ! How's your day ? Mine ? I'm not bcoz of BIG(S)HIT 🙃👌🏻 I hope all of you are doing just well 😛 since there's some people dmed me on instagram to write a new fanfiction, so here i come 😘 so this fanfiction will be kinda short because idk how to write long fanfiction like other people and i'm sorry 😁 BTW, THANKYOU FOR THOSE WHO VOTING, SUPPORTING, COMMENTING, LOVING MY PREVIOUS FANFICITON 😭💕 i love you guys so much 🙈💟 i hope you will enjoy this one 😋 _ CHARACTERS : - Park Min Ji (you) *lol its look like park Jimin right ? But its not. I just live for yoonmin that's all so why not ?* - Min Yoongi (the hero ofc) - Nana (your bff) - Teacher _ "Hello. My name is Park Min Ji AND NOT PARK JIMIN ! I always acted like 5 years old kid eventhough I'm 17 years old grr *its supposed to be 'girl' but Jimin pronounced it as 'grr' on V app. So if he said 'grr', it'll be 'grr' no matter what ! HAHAHAHA *. Who cares ? Lol. I live in daegu. I'm bad in writing essay and stuff cuz its not my style heh. I dont like coffee, i mean i used to hate it but someone just changed me and now i'm a coffee lover and a clever grr 😍🙈".Alle Rechte vorbehalten
1 Kapitel