Autumn Green is almost 16, and lives in a worn-out old neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, after the disappearance of her parents 14 years ago. Seeking an escape from everyday life, Autumn hastily makes the decision to drop out of high school, and move out of her aunt Robin's house to her own small apartment, and keeping the job she's had at a rundown diner for the past two years.
But when her aunt's newspaper company goes bankrupt, Robin is forced to move back with her brother in Dallas, Texas, leaving Autumn behind. With no real money to be supported with, her aunt is forced to leave her with the only person she knows and trusts;
Her coworker.
Anna Bennet is 37, and has a son, Nathan, who is 16.
Anna is more than happy to take Autumn in until her aunt gets enough money to fly back to Chicago and get her niece.
Autumn offers to pay for her stay,
But Anna's house is more than 8 miles away from her regular job, so she is forced to quit the only form of payment she has. Nathan and Autumn aren't exactly against each other, but Autumn is busy figuring out her life, and Nathan is annoyed with someone new in the house.
But after many months of being forced spending time together, will a spark eventually appear?
As Autumn is packing up to move in with the Bennet's, she finds an old torn up letter from her missing parents under her bed.
- No one knows what happened to Jane and Jacob Green;
But it's Autumn's mission to figure out.
After the death of her parents, Autumn moves to live with her aunt in hopes of a fresh start. Somewhere where people don't look at her as the broken girl. But her fresh start isn't all that easy and simple. Specially when you find out that your parents deaths may not have an accident after all.
Jake is the Alpha's son. He loves the bachelor life and doesn't want to change that, not until he's ready for responsibility anyway. So on his 18 birthday he really wasn't looking forward to the possibility of meeting his mate.
But when he finds her, how long can he resist the temptation?