"Do you think that the previous diagnosis is accurate?"
- If I knew, I wouldn't be here.
"We can only help you if you want to be helped!"
- I have no choice but to be here. Don't pretend I do.
"It's just a matter of self-control. You're not an animal."
- Biologically, yes I am. As are you, actually. And as for the matter of self-control, I believe each case is individual. So for some it may be an issue of control, and others it may be more. But it is not your place to judge and comment patronisigly upon another person's inner conflict when you have not experienced the wrath of their mind.
For anyone who needs to find someone who shares their depressive thoughts or anxieties.
For anyone who has a loved one with any type of mood disorder and hopes to understand them further in order to help them feel comfortable.
Essentially, this is for everyone livong in the modern world.