A city inhabited by people with powers tend to realise that life doesn't get easier because you can lift a tv remote without leaving your couch or making withdrawals from a bank at desperate times even without owning an account in said bank. The city, its indigines both gifted and ungifted will learn to live with complex choices they now face. Like super hero pensions, health benefits and human morals. As a new bond between five friends is rocked by a secret. Their friendship and individual lifes will constantly be tested by the action taken to hide the secret than the secret itself. Magnus, an officer of the special police unit (Marshals) resumes from suspension when things appear to seem like the dead dont necessarily stay dead on the in-laws side of that family and his late wife may be following that tradition. What is this family secret? Did she really die? Questions that go through his mind has he follows a trail but one question sits at the bottom of his heart. If he was going to grief his wife a second time...by his own hands. Sometimes the same reason that transcends a man to a Hero Is the same that condemns as villains.
3 parts