It was mid summer of 1997 when Eric met the girl of his dreams, Meg. But alas, she was just 14 at that time and to even think of them being together is impossible to say the least. There was just no way for them to try to be together, and as sad as it is, they had to part. Now 7 years later, they meet again. He, a popular movie star; She, his fan. Life just got complicated than it already was. He was still the boy she loves; she, the girl he always dreamt of having. There is still that one thing that is keeping them apart, and it wasn't even fame. Eric was engaged. Would they repeat the same mistake they did 7 years back? Or will they sacrifice finally...give their love...a chance? Author's Note: It's here! I'm finally letting this one out! Haha. This by far is one of my favorites out of all that I have ever written. Honestly, #MEGRICFOREVER. I hope you enjoy reading this, as much as I truly loved writing it and rereading it over and over and over again after all these years. I always wish my stories to be real, this one most of all. Don't forget to leave me a comment after you've read it! Spread the love ♥All Rights Reserved