Michelle Adams stood at the railing of the small ship that shuddered toward England in a turbulent November sea. She shivered as she tightened the wool shawl about her shoulders. She was thin and small, her bright eyes shadowed in her pale face, her light hair piled high in a bun that seemed too heavy for such a small woman. She clung to the moist rail and breathed the damp salt air deep into her lungs. Her body seemed leaden and lifeless, as though it was simply the vehicle transporting her soul to a strange new life, and she longed with childlike intensity to be home again in Queens Village. Why did I ever leave America, she thought bitterly. Why did I ever listen to my uncle? And yet she knew it was herself who had begun the chain of events that placed her on this heaving ship. It was she who had first planted in her uncle’s mind the thought that she would make a good wife for Liam Payne, the lonely man who had gone and made his fortune in London, England.