ON HIATUS DUE TO REAL LIFE TRAUMA. SEE INTRODUCTORY AUTHORS NOTE FOR FURTHER DETAILS AND UPDATES. Severus, under pressure from the Ministry, Minerva, and several others, finally begins accepting Apprenticeship applications. He refuses to let the applicants include their name and instead employs a light tracking spell to send the acceptance to the one he deems worthy. He never expected the slight pixie of a woman who showed up when the day finally comes to begin. Nor did he expect that he would not only know her - but be entranced by her. Mila has been struggling since getting her NEWTs. That last year of school, after becoming an Animagus, her magic began fluctuating. Not knowing what else to do - she began her apprenticeships. First Arithmancy, now potions. She never dreamed that the first Master she sent her application to would actually accept her. Especially this one. Maybe they could each save the others soul. Currently re-editing the first few chapters before adding more. I didn't like my own characterization upon further introspection. A few canonical characters were coming out a little too OC for me. Hopefully this round will see them a little closer to what JK and imagined for their personalities while still fitting in with the journey we are all embarking on here.All Rights Reserved