Long time ago, near the end of the Golden Era, the Earth war rulled by the Titans. Cronos, Lord Of Time and Lord Of The Titans gave origin to a new breed of beings with the help of Reia, his wife, they were called the gods. Cronos didnt trusted his sons so he ate them all, all but the youngest, Zeus. Zeus grew up strong, freeded his brothers and started a war for the power against their maker. After many years the gods won the war and collected the spoils, the Trhone of the world and the control up on it.
In the Ancient Greece, about 3000 years ago, came the time for the gods to prove their position on the throne and were forced to face the Giants. With the help of their sons, the demigods, once again the gods triumphed and remained in power. Finally humanity was free and worshiped the gods, alwoying them to cement their supremacy. The only wars that fallowed were humans against themselves and didnt posed any cathastrofic consequences or threats to the Olympian Throne, peace at last.
But the demigods thought that they hadn't been rewarded properlly, they revolted against their makers, peace was destroyed by the demigods' vanity and greed, leading them back into battle. The newer generations of the rullers of the world seamed plagued with the pursuit of power like the Titans did to their father and the gods to them. With great sadness, the gods were forced to fight until Zeus, now being the owner of the principal Olympian throne, thus becoming known as the father of the gods, took pitty on their offsprings and gave them a second chance, the gods frozze their sons in time and casted them on Earth, so that one day, when they were needed, they would be awakenned without memory so that the could have a new opportunity, fare and without any past chains attaching them.
This is how history remmembers it.
EPIC CONQUEST THE NOVEL tells about an event that happened hundreds of years ago there was a crack in the sky. The rift seemed to be a dimensional gate that combined this world with the demonic world. Because of that, thousands of demons have entered the human realm and mercilessly killed anything in their sight. When the Dasyhat war happened, the world made a truce and joined hands to defeat the devil's army. For the first time in history, mankind united under the banner of the Alliance. Even though decades have passed, the war between humans and demons still shows no signs of ending. Although the dimensional gates are no more, their existence seems endless due to rapid reproduction. Because of that too, the hybridization of humans and demons is inevitable. These hybrids look like normal humans but, with demonic blood flowing through their bodies cause them to have extraordinary magical powers. Their behavior is the same as normal humans. However, if their hearts are enveloped in darkness, they will turn into complete demons. Since then, magical powers were born and the royal side of the Alliance saw this group as a threat to humanity and called them witches. In order to overcome the extinction of humanity, the leadership of the Alliance created the order of the Witch Hunt to find and kill every witch no matter what they look like. Due to the order, witches rebelled to protect themselves and their loved ones until a civil war broke out. Due to the war, many lives were lost and many witches were enveloped in darkness and turned into demons. Since that day, the human race has suffered greatly. The Alliance and wizards alike consider them a threat. The hatred and revenge between them still remains to this day. With so many chains of hatred, can all humans be reunited? Can the world once again be free from chaos?