"Hyung,why are we all separated from each other so often? I just want to see all of us under the cherry blossom tree again. Just-",murmured the young one.
Four boys set to retrace their memories and try to remember there times that they all had together not that long ago. They choose to go back to their place that they marked as a way to call home and find some very interesting relics left from one particular person that they all have in mind.
"One for one,and under the cherry blossom tree,for all!!!!",they all cited in harmony.
Question,how many times do you think it world take for them all to reset and go back to their times of knowing each other well,rather than neglecting one another? It is up to the reader,who decides their fate. Provide Author Nim the right number,and I will tell you if you got it wrong. If you get the right answer,I will write until that answer and end the story. Good luck,fellow blossoms. ^^🌸