Persecution. Prejudice. Discrimination. The world is filled with it. Normally directed at other people. Human's hate what they don't understand. They abhore to those different from them. Ever since the beginning of the world, people were persecuted for something that was either their choice, or something they couldn't control. Religion. Wealth. Race. Gender. Sexuality. And now, 80 years from today, there is no end. The world is trying to push back another group: Elementals, people born with extraordinary abilities to control various elements. Eric is suffering this fate, a fate in which he can't control. And so are many people, including other teens his age. And now the government is plotting to end them once and for all. Persecution. Prejudice. Discrimination. These define the human race. And no one can put a stop to it. There are only those who can slow it down. The Elementals.