Nima is a youth communist party leader in Cultural Revolution Tibet (1974) imprisoned for being in the right place at the wrong time. Beaten, brutalised, her physical integrity under threat she has nothing to look forward to.
Then a miracle happens; as if out of the blue a foreigner she encountered in Nepal a year earlier meets her and offers her a chance to escape across the border, no strings attached. Its a lifeline no sane person would ever refuse.
But Nima is hostage to something even more powerful than the vast communist prison that she inhabits; a debt from the past that offers absolutely No Way Out.
The story is an extract from my novel, Voices in the Dark, on the Tibetan resistance, (completed but requires some rewriting) based on historical events culminating in the collapse of the armed Khampa (Tibetan) resistance to communist China in 1974. While part of a much larger story it is a complete story in itself.
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