In the year 2029 the world was taken over by Supernaturals. Vampires, Werewolfs, Wizards, and more. In the late 1960's humans and Supernaturals worked together. They were friends. But Arcadius, the council of the human world, waged war on Zenadus, the Supernatural council. Engulfed in a battle that lasted 70 years, Zenadus rained supreme. Winning the war Supernaturals killed off or enslaved 60% of the human population. Having to fight for freedom the remaning 40% live in colonies. Hiding and preparing for the war they will bring upon Supernaturals. The year: 2043 and war is coming. In the story the P.O.V. will change from Avery Knight's (Vampire) P.O.V. to Terra Hawkins (Human) P.O.V.