(Formerly known as: I'll Never Leave You... Again?)
"Hey, love. What's your name?" Louis asked the little girl sitting on the swing, being pushed slightly by the low wind.
The little girl looks up at Louis and frowns. She shrugs her shoulders making the right strap on her tank slide down her shoulder slightly.
"You don't know?" Louis asks her confused. She shrugs her shoulders again, not answering his question. He looks at her slightly confused, unsure as to whether she didn't remember her name, of if she just didn't want to tell him.
"Do you know how old you are?" She nods. "How old?" She takes her little hand, holding up 3 fingers and showing him. Louis smiles as her.
"Where do you live, sweetie?" Louis asks as she jumps off the swing, stumbling a little, before getting her balance back. She looks up at him and shrugs her shoulders. "Do you have a home?" She shrugs again "how about a mommy or daddy?" She shrugs again.
Louis frowned at this. The thought of the little girl, not having a home, a family, no one to love her. He bent down to her level and smiled at her. Wanting to help the little girl he offered, "Do you want to come with me? I can help you find your family. But you shouldn't stay here."
The toddler looks at Louis and slightly nods. He smiles and stands up, offering his hand to her. She looks at it then raises both her arms above her head, signaling she wants to be picked up. Louis is uncertain at first, but complies and carefully picks her up, resting her comfortably on his hip. The little girl wrapped her arms around Louis' neck, holding on as he carried her back to his place.
The whole walk home, Louis couldn't help but have this feeling that he knew this girl somehow. He didn't know how, or where he might know her from. Just that this wasn't the first time he's seen this girl.