12 części Opowieść Zakończona y/n : yours name - lead role
ASAHI - lead role
y/n's brother : YEDAM
hello ! this is y/n , I am currently studying in middle school , Can't wait to go in high school because of my crush ASAHI OPPA . ASAHI OPPA is my brother's bestfriend , My brother YEDAM is hearthrob of his School and his bestfriend even not less than him . As ASAHI OPPA also very popular in school because of his cold gaze and ofcourse Handsome face . ASAHI OPPA is a transferred student from JAPAN . my brother and ASAHI OPPA both are now studying in high school and just after few days I will also go to same school .
my brother and he met first time in their school they became so close and now they are bestfriend. ASAHI OPPA hardly speaks with other students . but when it comes to my OPPA ( YEDAM ) he is so frank . He even hardly talks with me but now look at me this much words enough to give me butterflies in my stomach . haha ! My brother never share me about ASAHI OPPA and dumb me why will he even . My brother YEDAM is so protective about me , he loves me so much as well as I also trust him the most and love him the same way . our siblings relationship is same like others , we teased each other , we share everything but when it comes to dating or anything I never share a single word about this to my brother dont know but this is true I afraid of him in this matter . he also never shared his dating life infront of me tho he never dated even , not even me but still I have so many crush in my list and the most and the long lasting one is ASAHI OPPA . I hardly talks with my scl mate becoz they always use me for contact with my brother and I hate this . so I usually ignore them . I have one bestfriend named LIA , she has also huge crush on my brother but when it comes to our friendship she is really so kind and best for me .
let's start with this and see what will happen to my cold crush .