Warning, if you are bored by boring warnings please avoid reading this warning, it may bore you. We all know that fateful old story, we've read it in every history book. The same from about a thousand years ago when Ela (Luna) and Annette (Celestia) battled. Annette wins and Ela is put in the moon. But is that the true story, or one big lie. If you dig a little deeper you will find that the story of the two sisters is quite different from what we've been told. We all know the other old story. Where the dragon saves the Crystal Empire by retrieving the heart, but was he truly the hero of this tale? What was the motive of the so-called "evil" unicorn King Sombra? Did son how the two stories link together? Perhaps there is more than meets the eye with this tale, and maby the true villain is not clear as we once thought. If we look back to what truly happened all this time ago, back when the royal sisters we know and love were foals we will see theese stories through a new lense. Inspired by HASBRO!!! (MLP) the names of the characters have been changed so there is no confusion from the original product. This is a fan fiction, may not fit the given lure, and is simply my own head cannon, if you don't like it then... idk, go read somthing else?