All of you might have heard about Pay per Click and which is a part of internet marketing where the publisher, network or a website owner is paid by the advertiser for every ad that is clicked. It is in a way buying visits for your sites and attracting more and more traffic towards your business and its website. However Pay Per Click advertising has become much beneficial to small business than compared to big or large businesses. The reasons behind this are mentioned below: 1. Pay Per Click helps you in getting faster results. Since you are paying for the visits, your website will be taken care in a better way so that more and more people can visit your website and you will get huge traffic towards it. 2. The results or the visits of the number of people are measurable with Pay Per Click because the publisher has a record of all the people who visited your website. Along with that you are able to see the loss and profits from the strategy and whether Pay Per Click is helpful for your business or not. 3. You do not have to depend on Search Engine Optimization or Google Algorithmic changes. It is simple as compared to SEO and other internet marketing strategies. 4. With pay Per Click you will be able to reach the right group of audience. Your products and services are shown in front of audiences who can be potential customers. 5. Brand recognition gets higher with Pay Per Click and your company or business will see new heights in no time. 6. Since you are small business and want to connect with the local people so this will help you open doors to local people for your business. 7. Pay Per Click is quite budget friendly than the SEO services in India and will help in meeting your requirements and needs in an estimated budget. 8. It also acts as a great tool for testing your marketing strategies in other mediums too in a much simpler and economical way. 9. It has rich functionality and reporting done is quite simple and efficient.All Rights Reserved