The story of deadpool begins when he is sitting on a bridge drawing a wanted picture of a guy named Francis.He jumps off a bridge and starts killing bad guys and he is getting hit in the head and he decided to show the guy in the car have you seen this man that got the guy that he was fighting very mad.So the last guy in the car starts punching him so deadpool punches him in the nose and the guy flies out of the car.The. The car with deadpool in it flips over off a bridge so then you slowly see the window open and deadpool screams wait then he says FINE I have 12 bullets so your gonna have to share then he says you guys my be wondering why the red suit and he said that's so the bad guys can see me bleed then he points at a guy and says he smart see he is wearing the brown pants so he starts shooting.Later on in the movie he is battling a metal guy and he has one leg that isn't broken then he is in a hockey rink and he is trying to kill a guy in itAll Rights Reserved
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