Chloe Winters, a young woman who made a deal with Death after her suicide to go on living, steals a kill from a bored and bitter demon - David, who threatens, entices and taunts Chloe into serving him. Chloe loses her free will almost entirely until she chooses to defy David against all odds. Studying David's arrogant, narcissistic nature, Chloe becomes aware of the danger he poses to her wellbeing and begins identifying the classical psychopathic tactics David uses. Having accepted David's proposal, however, Chloe's soul is still linked to David, who gains the ability to see, hear and feel everything Chloe does. While Chloe transforms into a demon herself, David and his apprentice, Ned, take of her; but, Chloe soon learns she is not allowed to leave David's apartment. When Chloe realizes David has snuck her into another country, Chloe tries to commit suicide; but, David saves her by passing nearly all of his own life supply to her and kidnaps his neighbor to revitalize himself, as well as provide Chloe with a soul for Death. Under David's command, Ned locks Chloe in the dungeon downstairs until her mentality changes from hostage to willing participant.... David's desire to consume Chloe's soul suddenly becomes uncontrollable. Chloe attempts to submit David to her through sex, but quickly loses the upper hand when David's demonic nature takes over. Her panicked yelling draws the attention of two traveling priests. Finally noticing Chloe's fear of him, David flees... *This is a psychological thriller, not a romantic novel. It is a fictional study of the multi-faceted nature of perception, the manipulation of which can lead to designing justifications for all manner of sin. Please read with care. TRIGGER WARNING: severe VIOLENCE, strong SEXUAL CONTENT, references to DRUG USE, severe EXPLICIT LANGUAGE, references to RELIGIOUS BELIEFS. This book is available in Kindle ($2.99) and paperback ($7.50) formats on Rights Reserved