Hi My name is Hannah smith I got brown hair and blue gray eyes I am a lonely child and i am 19 year old I like to dance I am a big fan of Ed sheeran I wish I can preform in one of his show But I guess it never gonna happen Oww I almost forgot I hate my life If you were wandering why I hate my Life will it because I got no reason to live my parent are drug dealers and alcoholics they come home every night i mean EVERY NIGHT drunk and hit me and say 'I am a worth less bag of shit ' but not just them all the student at school they call me names like bitch and slut and you don't want to know and I get bullied by 4 jerks 1-Luke hemmings 2-Ashton Irwin 3-calum hood 4-Michael Clifford , they are popular with there looks And every one will do what they say But there is one person his name is LIAM JAMSE PAYNE He was my friend he never call me bitch like the other he knows that people call me name and that my parent are drug dealers he help me and let me stay the night at his house and let me stop cutting yea you heard me he help me stop cutting but not for long and he know that I was bullied but don't know who was bully me ,I will not tell him he all ready done too much .... for now Now my parent are died they die in a car accident they were drunk driving And LIAM left me alone to go to a stupid X factor I hate him he left me alone I was bullied like never before and I starting cutting again but much beeper and I was call the bad girl in London every cop know my name because I still and beat the shit out of some one and a lot a lot of shit its all because of Liam i know you think i am selfish but if you be me you will know trust me Ps I hate you Liam Payne ....................................... Cover by NovemberdreamerAll Rights Reserved