Radio Rebel[One Direction Fanfiction]
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  • Membaca 550
  • Suara 13
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Sedang dalam proses, Awal publikasi Nov 20, 2013

Hey peeps,guess what?Meet,Radio Rebel,Delilah Janette Smiths,she is not your average Radio Rebel,if you have never ever heard of Delilah Smiths,you are so out of the loop,she is the ONE AND ONLY Louis William Tomlinson's bestfriend,other than that,she is mostly famous for being in a band,called Ladies' Code,it involves,Riley Johnsons,Nicolette Thompsons,Elayda Roberts and last but not least Mitchelle Angress.They are in a famous girl group.Whenever they travel,she will use her wireless connection of Radios to chat along,only she and the girls own the radio station 98.6FM,if she is in the country,she will go to her and the girls' private studio to do the recording.So get ready to rock out with her life.

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