
I'm sorry to inform you all that AS will be on hold. Thanks so much for your patience!! Have an amazing day!!! :) -Halie


For those of you who were confused about the Piras possession in ACT I we have updated it. It is now in the story and better portrayed. If you've already read the first ACT and don't want to go back, here is the scene:
           I screamed at him and all he did was laugh in his deep, ominous voice. I could feel the change; knowing that my anatomy and everything else could be unknown... I was fighting myself. Something evil was inside... My thoughts were changing. They were simplistic and only wanted to follow Eclipse's evil ways.
          I looked down. Something occurred to me... I'm being taken over by one of Eclipse's slaves... A demon... It was getting harder and harder to stay conscious. He had it all planned out. I wanted to laugh but I was too numb and halfway gone. All these connections my mind was having would mean nothing very soon. Thousand of thoughts hit me but there were no words to utter. I gave up and then I heard nothing and felt nothing.
          I hope this makes things more clear between Piras and Nathan.