
@annardj12 thank you so much! 


@annardj12 don't worry about me following you, its fine! I actually wouldn't know about you if it wasn't for my best friend, who is also friends with you on book Animo! I might sound like a stalker but I not trust me! You see, my friend and I meet up two days ago and she told me about you on book Animo and I absoulutely loved your posts. I told her and she recommended you to me on wattpad! She also reads your books on wattpad! Her book Animo username is Angelover❤️  just in case you are worried! Also I would really appreciate your follow! I love your posts! If you would like to follow me on book Animo here is my user name.  Berlin Ahmed. Thank you so much! And I look forward to reading your books! ( man that was one long message) hehehe cya!!