@cookiekid789 i'd say first thank you gor writing this story, and really the plot is good and the story itself is good, the first thing is focusing on the main characters as i already commented, and i don't wanna sound like i know better or anything but i wanna point out a few things that if you didn't accept them you don't have to change them, for example the plot of Wednesday moving from slytherin to ravenclaw, which is unnecessary considering you put her in y/n classes (and griffendore only have classes with slytherin) but if you want to keep it like that, you can try to put it as if the four houses have classes together so there will be no plot holes, another thing is writing Wednesday as canon as possible, unless you intend for it to be that way having wednesday giving hugs and sharing sentiments at the first book is kinda off, even for y/n who you've writed as heartless and cold